Learn the secrets of your customers! Tracking the right email metrics can help you understand which tactics work best for your business and which strategies are not working as well and might need to be re-examined. Discover your contacts’ actions right from the opening and first click of a campaign. But also follow the actions of your recipients as they click on your website or webshop. That way, you can follow the entire customer-journey, and get to know your customer.

Listen to this webinar to learn:
– eMailPlatform offers full tracking capabilities and reporting of your email campaigns
– Registers every action carried out by your recipients
– eMailPlatform collects information about how many people open your newsletters, what they click on, who unsubscribes and which email addresses are no longer valid
– Unsubscribed and bad addresses are automatically removed from your lists
You can also see if the recipients open your emails on a PC, tablet or mobile phone
– Understand how your campaigns perform
– From dashboard you are able to see how many recipients open and click on your campaigns, who they are and when it happens
– Email- and web tracking and analytics
– Set up relevant customer tags to ensure that you content is relevant to your individual customers
– Social media tracking
– Communicate with your customers via email campaigns, but also with social media
Automatic posting – and see directly from within eMailPlatform who engages with your content (like, share, comment, etc.)
– Segmentation
– Who are your most engaged customers? Send them a special email

By segmenting your audience and sending relevant emails it allows you to be more personal with your recipients which will undoubtedly increase your revenue.

For more info on this great solution, visit www.emailplatform.com/en-ca/technoplanet