With April 1st a week away, Virgin Mobile Canada announced the official launch of its "April Fool's Awareness" Campaign. Designed to protect gullible and prank-prone Canadians from humiliation on April Fool's Day, the campaign aims to raise awareness and promote prank prevention leading up to the big day.  

"In the past, Virgin Mobile relished getting a laugh on April Fool's Day with legendary pranks such as the "Stinkalyzer" app and the futuristic  "SmartKicks" mobile shoe accessory, but this year we're taking the passenger seat and helping Canadians steer clear of the prankers, " said Joseph Ottorino, managing director, Virgin Mobile Canada. "Think of us like that little voice in the back of your head reminding you to check your chair, keep away from unattended food and avoid any doorway!" 

To practice prank prevention, Virgin Mobile created a Public Service Announcement Video to raise awareness about the upcoming day of tom-foolery and provide tips to help people avoid falling for jokes from the likes of friends, family, colleagues and Canadian companies. 

"People think April Fool's is all fun and games, but these pranks can be merciless," says Ottorino, "Through our first-of-its-kind awareness campaign, we will enlighten unsuspecting Canadians to the dangers of whoopee cushions, hand buzzers,  cling-wrapped toilet seats, booby traps and whatever else might come at them on April 1st." 

Virgin Mobile has created two check lists, one for home and one for the office, to help Canadians avoid the embarrassment. 

At Home Check List:

  • Watch and memorize Home Alone 1 & 2 
  • Wear protective equipment including but not limited to bubble wrap, pillows or Snuggies 
  • Bubble wrap everything for added protection 
  • Make all food yourself and don't leave any anything unattended (best to stick with canned items, no surprises in there) 
  • Carry toilet paper, lotion, hand sanitizer and a change of clothes with you at all times

At Work Check List:

  • Look for air horns and Whoopee Cushions under chairs or behind doors 
  • Check the toilet seat for cling wrap 
  • Actually, just check all surfaces for cling wrap 
  • Watch for buckets over doorways 
  • Constantly inventory all furniture and belongings 
  • Be suspicious of all coworkers