Video games or sex? The women of Toronto have
spoken! Video games never lie, you can happily spend hours with them, and no
matter how hard you push their buttons, they won’t talk back. This may explain
why almost one third of women would rather give up sex for a month than video
games. Of the 500 respondents to a recent Facebook poll, 29 per cent of women
would rather ditch the deed than can their consoles.
A recent survey of Torontonians conducted by Facebook on behalf of Best
Buy Canada on October 9th, showed that while 29 per cent of women would rather
give up sex for a month than video games, only 19 per cent of men would do the
same. These findings indicate that while gaming continues to increase in
popularity, more female gamers are getting in on the action (or not) than ever
When asked how many hours in a row respondents’ have spent playing video
games, 57 per cent of women claim to have played between 1 and 3 hours of
video games, while 21 per cent of men confess to gaming for over 15
consecutive hours. It is no wonder women would rather give up sex over video
games – with this many hours logged, they’re left with no choice!
The social music gaming category is one of the most popular today, with
Activision’s Guitar Hero and Electronic Arts’ Rock Band leading the pack. When
respondents were asked which their personal favourite was, 55 per cent of
respondents chose Rock Band in a close win over Guitar Hero, which came in at
45 per cent. Interestingly, 63 per cent of respondents between the ages of 35
to 49 chose Rock Band over Guitar Hero while 58 per cent of respondents ages
25 to 34 chose Guitar Hero over Rock Band. These results illustrate that
music-based social games have become an integral part of the gamer lifestyle
that can be enjoyed with friends, family or both.
This weekend, beginning on Friday, October 17th through the 19th,
Yonge-Dundas Square in downtown Toronto will host Best Buy Canada’s third
annual Gaming Invasion, one of Canada’s largest multi-platform gaming events,
bringing together the gaming industries’ top brands to one location. Game
enthusiasts will go head-to-head while playing advanced copies of highly
anticipated games, including Gears of War II, Guitar Hero: World Tour and