VMware alternative often face concerns about the time and operational disruptions associated with migrating to a new platform, VergeIO has addressed these concerns by demonstrating the capability to migrate over 100 VMware Virtual Machines (VMs) in less than five seconds. This remarkable achievement significantly outpaces other alternative solutions, which average 3 to 7 minutes per VM, translating to a lengthy 5 to 12 hours for migrating 100 VMs.​

Why Migration Time Matters

Migration speed is critical for several reasons. Firstly, organizations need to thoroughly test their applications for compatibility and performance consistency on the new platform. Slow migration can extend testing periods, potentially resulting in incomplete or inadequate testing and unforeseen issues when the alternative platform goes live.

Secondly, slow migration times can lead to extended downtimes when switching to an alternative solution permanently. After testing, the final migration must capture a clean data copy while the VMware VM is down. Slow migrations either necessitate migrating one VM at a time to minimize outages or result in significant multi-hour outages during the cutover.

VergeIO’s Innovative Solution

VergeOS, VergeIO’s flagship solution, integrates the VMware migration function to convert hundreds of VMs in seconds, addressing both concerns. This rapid migration capability enables the quick creation of test environments. VergeIO’s Virtual Data Center technology allows for multiple instances of each environment to be created simultaneously for parallel testing at scale. Additionally, VergeOS’ integrated global inline deduplication minimizes capacity impact.

For production environments, VergeOS ensures minimal downtime. The integrated migration function performs block-level updates of VMs, allowing for a quick sync to capture the latest production data set post-testing. IT teams need only to power on the VM, facilitated by VergeOS’ rapid boot times, which are 3x faster than VMware. Consequently, most customers can transition applications from VMware to VergeOS with less than a minute of downtime.

“VergeIO’s migration capabilities exceeded our expectations,” said Darrin Whitney, CIO of YANA Systems. “We were able to migrate hundreds of VMs with minimal downtime, which allowed us to focus on optimizing our environment and providing value to our customers.  VergeOS has significantly improved our operational efficiency.”

Here are some of the Post-Migration Benefits: Cost Efficiency, Enhanced Security, Scalability etc

VergeIO will host a live demonstration to showcase this breakthrough in VMware migration technology. During the session, attendees will witness the migration of 100 VMware VMs to VergeOS in real-time, demonstrating the speed and efficiency of our solution. This event will provide a firsthand look at how VergeOS can transform IT operations with minimal disruption. Register here:
