Vectra AI, a leader in AI-driven XDR (extended detection and response), recently announced the extension of the Vectra AI Platform to include comprehensive coverage for customers’ Microsoft Azure environments. According to a recent Microsoft report, customers face more than 600 million cybercriminal and nation-state attacks every day, ranging from ransomware to phishing to identity attacks. This expansion will allow organizations to use AI to help identify real threats in real-time across their Microsoft ecosystem. 

Mark Wojtasiak, VP Product Research & Strategy at Vectra AI, provided an overview of Vectra AI’s capabilities in utilizing AI and machine learning for cybersecurity, highlighting the company’s strength in detecting attack signals that may be missed by other tools. He emphasized the importance of delivering accurate, correlated signals to Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts to enable swift responses to potential threats. Mark discussed the challenges posed by the fast-paced nature of enterprise environments and the evolving tactics of attackers, focusing on Vectra AI’s effective AI applications in threat detection. He also examined the tactics hackers employ post-breach, particularly the significance of identity compromise in hybrid attacks, and the necessity of clear signals for security teams to enhance threat response.

Check out our past interview with Vectra AI: