Novell today announced the availability of it’s highly acclaimed consumer product, SUSE LINUX Professional 9.2, as a free download (Link to download page).
This free offering will enable Linux users to trial the latest open source desktop, server and application functionality that has become the hallmark of the SUSE LINUX consumer distribution. As opposed to the LiveDVD version, which will boot directly from the DVD without modifying the hard disk, this is a fully installable version and is not time limited.
This free offer of SUSE LINUX Professional 9.2 provides a perfect starting point for many individuals to use and get to know a Linux distribution better. Novell provides the latest and greatest Linux technology available to a broad audience by bringing together thousands of open source software packages into an ideal Linux operating system.
Customers who are looking for additional installation support, comprehensive manuals and the software in a conveniently packaged media kit can obtain a boxed versions at all major retail outlets or visit our homepage.