Now is the time for channel partners to step up and help their customers ride this storm. The value of the channel just got crystallized as they are doing some heavy lifting to keep everyone and every businesses connected and productive. Definitely an essential service! Now is the time to step up and lead. Work with your customers to help the situation. Rob Rae is having his team just call out their partner clients and ask how they are doing and how they can help. A simple touch of authentic concern is a good place to start.

Eventually, vendors will figure out what is the new norm and how to carry on business. It is a learning challenge that we will all have to embrace until everything gets stabilized. DATTO and other vendors are having to rethink their channel development activities as a lot was based on doing live events and “pressing the flesh”. Some vendors do over 100 live events per year! Since physically meeting partners is currently on pause, it is time to explore the virtual World.

There is a digital transformation of channel partner development happening in real-time. Risks will need to be taken. Mistakes will be made. Eventually, the industry will find the sweet spot. As the dust settles on this pandemic, people will be excited to meet each other again because we are social animals. What we do between now and then will determine how we come out of this. Some will not survive. Some will gain strength. You have to decide if you will have petty party or a pivot party. Right now we are in shock. As time moves on, we will see strong leadership emerge.

Listen to my 60-minute eChannelNEWS interview with Rob Rae who is one of the top channel leaders. Start building your new digital channel development playbook.