Our third of four Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem Summits in 2024 continued the journey to support the channel community in improving their cyber posture and services.

So what went down on September 19 in El Segundo California?

CDE highlighted just three of the many membership benefits:

  1. IASSET platform to help MSP members automate quotes, transactions, renewals, cross-sell and up-sell all of their SaaS and Hardware solutions. In essence, allowing every MSP to have their own marketplace and purchase from distributors and/or vendors directly.
  2. Data and More solution to discover, classify and identify what really needs protecting to reduce risks of data theft, duplications and leakage. It also helps to identify the scope and severity of a data breach. And, before you upload your data into your LLM AI, you can filter your data to ensure you do not transfer sensitive data. Remember there is no “delete” keep once you upload into AI.
  3. Cyber Mastermind Peer-Groups to help members build a bigger, better, stronger and smarter managed services business 365 days a year. Attendees were invited to experience an in-person free session at the event or sign up fo a paid virtual session. Once you experience the power of a peer-group, you may realize that is the best thing that you can every do to improve your business professional career and life.

If you are interested in learning about these or the other benefits, please join the CDE for free and reach out. The mission of the CDE is to help its channel partner members to become bigger, better, stronger and smarter in their cybersecurity business with the right insights, education, tools and collaboration. 

Joy Beland of Summit7 talked about insider threats, the potential damage and best practices to reduce the risks. This was an eye opening session to understand the risks from within on top of the risks from outside bad actors.  We have all seen the movies of “insider jobs” and in many cases it can be much worse than an attack by an outsider. 

Karina Klever of Klever Compliance described the growing regulations and compliance challenges facing all businesses. This is something that can be easily managed effectively with the right expertise and tools. The end result is not just to be compliant, but to also increase your cybersecurity hygiene and defence posture. It’s also one of the most lucrative managed services for MSPs to be offering.

Kaseya showcased their 365 solution to deliver cost-effective protection to end-customers and more profitability to MSPs. They also demonstrated the benefits of one integrated multi-solution platform to streamline the process and save time. To top this off, they highlighted their latest Penetration Testing as-a-Service that every MSP can start offering immediately and presented a real case study on how one MSP was able to generate tens of thousands of dollars from their initial marketing campaign!

CheckPoint Software showcased their latest suite of cybersecurity solutions and how they are helping MSPs best protect themselves and their customers by filling the gaps in their current solution. Any MSP can quickly provide a significant level of cybersecurity protection for their clients with minimal effort.

Several other benefits of the CDE were highlighted to help its members improve their managed services on many levels, but the biggest value of the summit was the peer-to-peer networking over golf games. The conversations among the attendees generated deeper connections and opened everyone to more opportunities. 

It was also the launch of a local chapter of the CDE in Los Angeles with plans to meet up more often and collaborate in peer-groups. If you are in the region, join the local CDE community to improve and grow your business all year long. 

Thanks to our sponsors Kaseya, CheckPoint, Data&More and IASSET (who was sponsoring the draw for voting). Congratulations to Alan K. for winning this $500 cash draw. Congrats as well to Kaseya’s Miles Walker for winning BOTH Best Lions’ Den Presentation and Best Vendor as voted by the attendees!

A lot of hard work goes into organizing these events across the country so it’s good to get some positive feedback so we know it’s helping our attendees… See some actual comments: 

“Amazing Event”

“I’m thankful for all the info you provided as it was helpful”

“Perfect bite-size cyber event”

“Bringing CISOs, Cyber Experts and MSPs together is a huge benefit to all”

“What’s not to like from learning about cyber, eating, drinking, playing golf with a great bunch of local cyber humans?”

“Great event, please ensure you notify me of the next one and I hope it’s not only once a year!” 

The event was designed to be a blended ecosystem as we bring together regional MSPs, MSSPs, SOCs and CISOs to learn and leverage each other’s strengths to help each other. We are so excited to see the immediate positive outcomes as attendees made many action plans to work together. 

In 2025, we will expand the CDE summits to many more regions, lay the foundation to keep the regional member communities connected and increase the peer-group meet-ups and training sessions on pre and post event days. 

Next up is Edison, New Jersey on November 18. If you are on the East Coast, then this your YOUR event!  Come experience why the Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem Summit is not just another event but a game-changer in your cybersecurity work.