Marco La Vecchia, CRO of Produce8, a solution to the productivity challenges faced by businesses and employees. The platform focuses on providing insights rather than monitoring, and offers comprehensive insights into meeting costs, duration, and productivity impact. Marco highlighted the need for businesses to understand the financial implications of their meetings and the potential for businesses to identify areas for improvement, reduce unproductive meetings, and increase efficiency by leveraging the data provided by the application. He also underscored the importance of MSPs leveraging their position to drive business growth and success for their clients.

Marco stressed the importance of MSPs differentiating themselves in the market to stand out from competitors, suggesting that offering services focused on productivity and employee experience can provide a strategic advantage in customer acquisition and retention, emphasizing the potential for significant positive impact on both financial outcomes and employee well-being. Marco illustrated the tangible benefits by sharing a case study where a company realized over $450,000 in savings through improved productivity, underscoring the substantial impact on larger businesses.

Check out our interview with Produce8 at ChannelNext: