With just over one month until Christmas Eve,
holiday decorations are in full swing, the malls are bustling and the familiar
smells of peppermint and hot chocolate are all around. But as the happy
holiday season approaches, anxiety levels of Canadian shoppers have just moved
into overdrive as they prepare their shopping lists, budgets and numerous
trips to the malls. To better understand and prepare for the shopping season,
MasterCard Canada today revealed insight into Canadian shoppers with the
MasterCard Canada Holiday Shopper Classification. Divided into four
categories, the findings paint the picture of what all shoppers endure,
appreciate and dread as the holiday shopping season is upon us.

The Holiday
Shopper Classification revealed four profiles: stressed for the season (19%);
pragmatic shoppers (30%); shop-aholics (24%); super shoppers (27%).

“The MasterCard Holiday Shopper Classification provides an in-depth look
into Canada’s shopping behaviours during the holidays,” said David MacDonald,
Vice President, Environics Research Group. “Across the country, Canadians look
forward to the holidays, but how they approach the season and their actions
vary significantly by age, gender and location.”

The MasterCard Canada Holiday Shopper Classification was developed by
surveying Canadians about how they shop during the holiday season, who they
shop for and how they budget. Canadian holiday shoppers have been grouped into
four categories that support specific shopping behaviours and attitudes.

According to the findings, almost half of Canadians (48%) have 10 or more
people on their list. Atlantic Canadians (61%), Manitobans/Saskatchewans (65%)
and Albertans (60%) lead the charge with 10+ shoppers. One in ten (10%)
Canadians confess they’ll spend more than $2,000 this holiday season and
another one-third (34%) will spend under $500. One-third (34%) of shoppers
claim they will complete their lists with only one or two trips to the mall,
but the majority of Canadians (40%) say they’ll need three to five trips this
holiday season.

“We’re challenging Canadians to learn a little bit more from Santa this
year by making a list and checking it twice,” said Jennifer Reed, Vice
President, Public Affairs, MasterCard Canada. “The holidays are a time to
rejoice and celebrate. And a small time investment upfront to prepare a
shopping plan, holiday list and budget means more time to be with family and