No Network Networking … on the Biggest Network of All

    NetOffice provides a virtual network – an Internet-hosted service that connects users without investments in servers and software or the cost of installation and maintenance. The subscription-based service takes only minutes to activate and personalize, and new users can be added … or removed … at any time.

    Complete Business Systems for Small Business

    With built-in customer relationship management (CRM), email marketing, file storage and sharing, and toll-free telephony to handle incoming calls and faxes, NetOffice replicates the most sophisticated business systems. Yet the comparative cost is minuscule

    No one appreciates business expenditures better than an accountant. For Kim Callahan, who runs Small Business Network in Valdosta, Georgia, the time she saves for herself using NetOffice is often time she saves for her clients, as well.

    “One of the things I like best about NetOffice is that it helps keep me organized. It shows me exactly what I’ve done, what I’ve sent to clients, what I’ve received from them. So I can respond to their needs almost automatically.”

    Information in Advance … and on Demand

    She responds by utilizing two advanced features – automated email marketing and fax-on-demand. “I use NetOffice’s email campaigns to send clients tax and accounting information that affects their businesses. Instead of using postal mail and paying for printing and postage,” she emphasizes, “I set up NetOffice to send the information. It gets there faster, costs nothing, and takes a fraction of the time I used to spend.”

    When her clients want the latest general information, Kim makes it available as on-demand faxes. Clients call her toll-free number (which is part of the NetOffice service), select the right information from the audio menu, and use their phones’ Touch-tone(R) keys to have it faxed to them instantly… without Kim having to do a thing.

    Cost Avoidance and Reclaimed Time

    “I figure that NetOffice saves the cost of a fax machine, paper, ink, and a separate phone line,” Kim states. “If the phone’s not tied up for faxes, I can handle more calls. I can also keep everything in one place – all my faxes, voicemail, client data, files, and so on – and be able to access it even when I’m not in my office.”

    What does that add up to? “NetOffice saves me about two hours a day, and I can use that time to take on additional clients.”

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