The Web’s Biggest ( claims to search more websites than any other search engine.

In a recent study done by the company, “Other search engines missed from a third to more than half of the websites in the Web’s Biggest search results,” according to company spokesperson Adam Radly. The company has even set up a random search page ( ) so the public can verify their claims.

Web’s Biggest is unique in that they have licensed the whois database, which contains all internet domain names. This enables them to search almost every website in the English-speaking world. Other search engines rely on hyperlinks and manual submissions to find websites and miss many of them as a result.

Web’s Biggest search results comes from their own web crawler—with a twist. The company uses the information gathered by their spider to summarize what each website is about. Users then search those website summaries. The result is a superior way to find the top sites on a particular topic, rather than just pages which contain the search words.

Web’s Biggest uniquely ranks search results using licensed website traffic data. Most search engines rank search results by the number of hyperlinks pointing to a website. “Website traffic is a more accurate indication of how popular a website is than hyperlinks which tend to favor academic and reference sites over truly popular ones,” says Radly.

Web’s Biggest lets webmasters add or revise the descriptions of their site free of charge. They even allow searchers to change the descriptions of websites they are familiar with. This lets individual searchers change everyone’s search results. The search engine stores all past descriptions of websites in a database so users can undo or correct descriptions. This makes Web’s Biggest the world’s biggest “wiki,” too. Wiki is software that allows users to collectively author web documents. “Having thousands of ‘editors’ is what makes this search engine unique,” says Radly.

Apparently webmasters agree. More than 20,000 of them have written praises of the search engine, according the company.