Over 55 vendors showcased their products to the Canadian VARS in Mississauga on September 5th. “We wanted the resellers to understand the channel programs as well as the latest technologies that our vendors bring to the table” commented Greg Tobin, President of D&H Canada.

The seminars included Cisco on their latest technologies and other vendors on a variety of topics such as power conditioning solutions. The training sessions are designed to teach over 400 resellers how to pull together various products from multiple vendors to build solutions for their customers. The resellers will also learn how to leverage more vendor channel programs to make more profits.

Mr. Tobin continues “The IT managers will face new challenges as the vendor push the envelope of their technology in ways that they have never experienced before. For example as employees continue to being their own device (BYOD) to work, the IT manager is forced to deal with these new devices from a security perspective”.

Businesses want to secure their data, collaborate with their staff and engage with their end-customers. Resellers need to adapt their business model to embrace these and other challenges so they can help their clients manage these new IT environments. Several vendors showcased a variety of solutions to equip the resellers to handle these types of issues.

Windows 8 is also primed for the SMB space and it looks like a game changer in many sectors including tablets. D& H is busy making preparations for the Windows launch in channel. Several vendors in the expo were also touting the same message as they too gear up for the launch in October.

“Since May of this year, D&H have seen a 27% growth. Our business is growing, but we are hoping the GDP numbers would increase so we can get Canada on a more robust growth. That said, the Canadian market is doing extremely well amongst the G20 and we expect it will continue”.