Unfortunately, even with the service provider solution, the reseller still has to maintain their store front. Although it is a lot easier than doing everything from scratch, it does require hours of work every week to keep it well maintained. Some leading computer web stores have dozens of people maintaining their solution.
Enter the ibiz10 Ready-To-Sell (RTS) web store for computer resellers. It may be the fastest, most affordable way for resellers to start doing business online. Everything is 100% maintained by ibiz10 so you do not have to spend your time updating your web store. The top 10,000 computer products are featured and updated regularly. You just add your company logo, contact details, payment methods and set your prices. In about 24 hours, you can be live with an attractive web store that is as good as any of the leading web stores.
“For smaller resellers looking to improve their image on the Internet or for any VAR struggling to maintain their own web store, this can be a worthy cost-effective solution to consider” Comments Julian Lee, President of TechnoPlanet Productions Inc and its e-commerce division ibiz10.
Looking as big as the big guys may never be easier and more affordable. At only $199 per month plus a nominal set-up fee that includes training, you can be at PAR with the more successful online resellers. All of the top distributors are real-time plugged into the RTS including Ingram Micro, Synnex and Tech Data.
If you develop and implement an effective online marketing strategy to go along with your RTS, then you could carve out your piece of the Internet pie. See www.ibiz10.com for more information and complete the form on http://www.ibiz10.com/online_demo.php to arrange to get a FREE live demo.