Evergreen announced its most recent acquisitions of the managed service providers (MSPs) PCG IT and Netranom. These acquisitions are important landmarks in Evergreen’s milestone to owning 100 MSPs and further highlight its commitment to fostering growth and continued innovation within the MSP ecosystem. 

Both MSPs were looking for a permanent home as their next step but with little disruption and the best possible outcome for their existing employees and customers. After speaking with businesses currently owned by the Evergreen/Lyra umbrella, they were confident that they were heading in the right direction. 

Here why they chose PCG IT and Netranom

“I chose Evergreen because it offered a seamless transition with minimal impact on my employees and clients,” said Dave Hodgdon, CEO and founder at PCG IT. “The company culture was a solid match to PCG’s and our tech stack and business processes remained unchanged, which was crucial for me. The team at Evergreen, including Craig Fulton and Sydney Hockett, made me feel confident about the acquisition and deal structure. Additionally, the opportunity to stay involved during the transition period allows me to ensure a smooth handover and 100% reach my goals of my legacy and life plan.” 

I chose Evergreen for several reasons. First and foremost, I had immense trust and faith in Ramsey Sahyoun. Everything he promised would happen did happen, and that consistency was crucial for me,” said Scott Edwards, CEO at Netranom “I was particularly impressed by Evergreen’s decentralized model. Unlike other private equity firms that often cause significant disruptions, Evergreen’s approach was the best fit for us. My gut feeling, which I relied on for 25 years, told me this was the right choice, and it proved to be true. Additionally, the support system within Evergreen, especially the regional CEO model, provided a personalized and effective management structure. These factors collectively made Evergreen the ideal choice for us.” 

Source Evergreen