“Rogers MusicStore CANADIAN MUSIC WEEK is one of the most respected music
and media events in the world. Having established Digital Media Wire as a
leading brand and becoming a trusted authority in the U.S. among
entertainment, media and technology executives, we are continually looking for
opportunities to grow both in the U. S. as well as internationally,” said Ned
Sherman, CEO and publisher, Digital Media Wire.
The one-day event brings together leading entertainment, media and
technology executives and consumer marketers to focus on how to connect with
the much sought after Millennial Generation (those born between 1978 and
2000), which will outnumber both Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers by 2010, becoming
the most significant consumer sector for the media and entertainment
The conference tackles the most important questions facing content
creators and consumer marketers today. To name a few: How do content owners
and marketers reach this highly elusive demographic of consumers? Which brands
get it and which don’t? How are Millennials spending their time off and
online? How do you monetize new viral economies like MySpace, Facebook, Second
Life and YouTube?
“This is the first generation to grow up immersed in networked digital
media, which represents both a significant change and challenge for
marketers,” said Neill Dixon, Rogers MusicStore CANADIAN MUSIC WEEK President.
“We are very pleased to be producing this conference in conjunction with
Digital Media Wire to address a need in the marketplace for direction on how
to connect with the consumer mindset of this generation.” Please add this
information to your listings. We are presently confirming interviews.