2024 Predictions with Randal Wark and Paolo Del Nibletto
Julian Lee welcomed Randal Wark and Paolo Del Nibletto to discuss the wrap-up of 2023 and projections for 2024 in the IT channel....
The Good, Bad and Ugly About Channel Events
Approximately 300 IT channel events take place each year across North America. I know of some vendors that exhibit in over 50 events per...
Forecast for the Channel in 2023
Overall, it appears that the IT sector will continue to grow significantly in 2023. For channel partners, Cybersecurity is growing at a rate of...
The Rise of Multi-Vendor Channel Partner Ecosystems
Automating interactions with channel partners is a standard business practice, mostly driven by the sales and marketing departments. Many PRM solutions are available to...
2022 Channel Manager Summit Videos Now Available For ON-Demand Viewing
If you couldn't attend in-person, your next best option is to watch the video recordings of all 5 parts. Go here if you wish...
2022 Channel Outlook with Julian Lee and Rob Rae
Check out my 60-minute conversation with Rob Rae SVP Business Development at Datto. Rob is normally traveling 300 days a year. He has been...
The “faceoff” between Julian Lee and Jay McBain has ended
Winner? The channel! It was a fun way to bring some hockey culture into the year end wrap up (Jay is more of a...
UK IT Outlook for 2022 with Alex Tatham, GM of Westcoast Ltd
Had the opportunity to kick off our British Awards event with a chat with Alex Tatham. In many ways his distribution is like a...
As We Roll Out of the Pandemic, What Should We Expect in the Channel?
Every day, I learn many new things as I interview some of the smartest people in the tech industry for eChannelNEWS and from other...
Julian Lee Discusses with Jay McBain about challenges facing the industry
What are the big challenges facing distribution now and in the future? What should vendors already be doing with their channel partners to future-proof...