Birthday Presents Turn into Charitable Giving Opportunity

    website, One Green Balloon, turns an overabundance of
    birthday gifts into a charitable giving opportunity.

    This one of a
    kind site puts a twist on tradition parties and gift giving. Instead
    of the conventional birthday party where one would shop for and
    bring a wrapped gift with a greeting card, guests simply RSVP
    to an emailed invitation and give a gift online. These secure
    online contributions are accumulated and subsequently divided
    between a worthy charity and the purchase of a special gift or
    the entire gift can be donated to a chosen charity.

    “There is so much waste in our society. Everything has to come
    wrapped and packaged, and there is so much pressure to get
    the best gift or make the best impression,” remarks Jodie
    Gilbert, founder of One Green Balloon. “By sharing your birthday
    with those less fortunate, you will experience that it truly is as
    good to give as to receive, and your guests will thank you, as
    this is the easiest, most satisfying gift that they will ever give.”

    One Green Balloon focuses on simplicity. All communication is
    paperless. One Green Balloon eliminates the waste of
    invitations, stamps, thank you cards, wrapping paper,
    packaging, greeting cards and fuel consumption. One Green
    Balloon provides a one-stop party planning tool which provides
    party invitations, a guest registry, RSVP tracker and thank you

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