Mitec’s Tower Mounted Amplifiers respond to the growing customer demand
for improved wireless coverage by significantly extending the range of an
existing cell site.

“This is a meaningful milestone for Mitec since it validates the
Company’s strategy to both compete vigorously in existing markets and pursue
new opportunities. By re-engineering some of our off-the-shelf technology at
nominal cost we were able to quickly and directly distribute it to a new
market,” said Dan Piergentili, Mitec President and CEO. “Our customer, a large
North American wireless operator, selected Mitec because we have proven and
robust technology that is engineered to withstand the harshest environments –
technology that can also be quickly and easily deployed.”

The Tower Mounted Amplifiers currently being delivered are for both
Personal Communications (PCS) and Advance Wireless Networks (AWS), following
last year’s spectrum auction in the United States. Operators are in the
process of installing the infrastructure to support these networks and it is
anticipated they will be operational this year. Rugged Tower Mounted
Amplifiers are manufactured in Mitec’s Suzhou, China factory but the research
and development that brought this technology to market was conducted in

“Tower Mounted Amplifiers are considered a preferred solution for
operators, who are now finding it challenging, either from the landscape or
regulations, to deploy new cell sites where demand exists for increased range
and service,” said Piergentili.

The North American wireless operator named Mitec a preferred technology
supplier on the strength of products it launched at the CTIA 2007 Wireless
Trade show in March 2007. Deliveries stemming from this agreement started
shipping in December 2007 and are expected to continue throughout 2008 and
2009 across the United States.

“We are exploring the opportunities for our products with other telecom
providers to address a similar, emerging need in Canada. The upcoming spectrum
auction will undoubtedly create the same demand for upgraded wireless
infrastructure as we have seen in the United States – a demand that Mitec is
uniquely positioned to satisfy through its Tower Mounted Amplifier
technology”, said Jeffrey Mandel, director investor and corporate relations.