The minutes could be for sporting or academic achievements, the birth of children, meeting the love of one’s life, having the idea that changed one’s life, or, any other precious personal moments like great events and memorable holidays.

For a one-off, all-inclusive on line payment of just GBP5.99, purchasers get the exclusive rights to their chosen minute in their appropriate world time zone and their own page on the site. This page can be used to log the details and significance of that special moment, and include pictures; content can be edited or added to at any time in the future. The purchaser has the option of making their page public, or, if preferred, restricting access by means of a password to close friends or family. Furthermore, by downloading and printing a certificate, which is also available on the site, the desired minute in time can be assigned to another, thereby providing a congratulatory gift for a special occasion such as an anniversary, moving into a new house, realising a lifetime’s ambition, retiring, or to mark years of service in the community, for example.

The website was devised by 62 years old businessman, Malcolm Clark, from Sussex, England, and is administered by his company e-minutes. He said,” it occurred to me that most people can point to a minute in time that changed their lives, and it would be good if they were able to grab such moments and record them in their own time capsules on the internet. This could be for themselves or, on behalf of family, friends, or, even colleagues from work, who are leaving and for whom they would like to provide enduring memories. I guess that the moment that I dreamt this web site up could be described as one of my minutes”.

Once a minute in one of the world’s time zones has been purchased on the site, no annual renewal is necessary and, no-one else can acquire the same minute in the same year and time zone.